Up And Going0 voicesMe and her, together I need her and she needs me One special bond between two special souls That complement each other One purple union that can bring me closer to that goal. Up and going for this list Up and going for the golden state And if answers were never enough Up and going for this current smile She will join me forever I won't let her down, and her reflect will carry me away Me and her, together in a new hall Just because my truth will never be a whole Without her vision Up and going for this feeling Up and going for a fresh new vision Perspectives will rain on my shoulders Up and going tomorrow and the day after Happy 2010 Maybe
Maybe a different night
Maybe a different life
but the fact is that I'll be thinking about it for a while
Maybe one different situation
Maybe two different people
but for sure, many ideas dying to become actions
Maybe with a different plan
Maybe in one unique dimension
but moments that I sigh for, and thoughts that still make me shiver after all these years
Maybe in a new shadow
Maybe with different convictions
but knowing that it would still represent a fake reality
because I don't like the way you feel besides this
your life behind this shared desire
and still, from me one simple and selfish answer
I'm here.
You Fool0 voicesYou wanted anwers, so there
One step ahead and blame me for it Just two seconds before I start listening again Then come back and refuse what's real You wanted the truth, and it was bitter So there, I'm still standing Before it comes back and eat you I'll have my bed ready for your rest and sleep You wanted guidance, what else can I do now? Well then, turn me off As easy as it sounds, I will be here still My bad side will always give you that Exactly what you want You wanted me to show you To give you light You fool, you never really understood Now blame me, and I'll laugh about it There's your light, now Hang me for it In One Act0 voicesTomará solo unos minutos darle inicio al juego, si es que así pretendo llamarlo. Precisamente una laguna de estrategias que nos mantengan a salvo tras tal batalla de recuerdos y palabras encerradas; tanto tiempo que las esencias de lo que una vez fueron, se ven envenenadas por perspectivas falsas y fantasiosas de momentos recreados antes de tal día. Pero luego de tantos meses, semanas y días será inevitable la realización de esos miedos recurrentes dentro de mi cabeza. Porque aún cuando el suelo haya secado y toda señal de vida se haya extinguido, este monstruo que llevo dentro aún controla mis sensaciones y emociones... julio sólo lo mantuvo cautivo un tiempo, pero ahora deberé verlo salir, libre. Si tan sólo pudieses ser invisible entre ellos, si siquiera me permitieras verlos y saludarlos sin que tu presencia vaya a hacerme actuar tras una sonrisa que detesto tanto... si por un segundo fueses capaz de complacerme tan sólo en esto. Sólo pediría esa pizca de ideales juntos que una vez compartimos, para no tener que morder mi lengua y actuar como esa persona que dijiste una vez debía eliminar: alguien que debe esconder sus verdades para no alejar a otros. Detras de esta máscara, espero atravesar este momento y salir tranquila de el... Porque la realidad es que siempre serás azul y yo siempre permaneceré gris en este marco. Foto por Vivian Alvarez En la foto: Wal Letras de Hey Mercedes it's aboout to begin so write do it on your wrist and dig in cold cold chicago go-go dance out the door before your party gets bored and ignores you it's getting harder now to move all your dreams and all the things that you need wave as they leave oh penny makes a mess of this man if there's a simpler plan than please speak cause we're in trouble now our underground we're in trouble now and i don't believe you oh penny will you cease to exist without the faintest of fists the amuse me i got a honey in the sun of CA and i am happy to say that it's working we've been sailing thorugh unthinkable kinks but now i think it will sink if i'm staying oh penny you put me through hell and i've got nothing to sell that will save you past is the laughable and hardly passable as background artist's apartment will be looted and hollowed in the now so overmedicate in any state ain't it great certain fate and my dear old sharona keeps em on the floor and wanting more oh penny we're about to dig in so won't you find me a friend and give in oh penny will the fun never end or will it ever begin without you Disappear0 voicesWith one extraordinary idea and if my mind had enough strength I would blow them all away for an empty space to surround us One, two and three seconds for this plan to work hold my hand and let them lead the way drown in this unique color of the night break all clocks and help this moment last longer I would float again in a golden state winter will have us still if we could just swim and disappear
Mio0 voicesSe acumulan de formas organizadas o no, algunas veces llevan cierto tipo de clasificación y es increíble lo mucho que nuestra personalidad se refleja en esa visión de objetos acumulados. Variedades de intereses y gustos bordean dicha materia involucrando esencias tan propias. Colecciones que se mantienen y se aman, se protegen contra cualquier mal y se llevan gran parte de nuestras energías. Porque ponemos nuestra alma en darle vida a esos objetos que coleccionamos. Un sentido de pertenencia y expresión interna sobre lo que nos dice nuestra colección... Porque nos habla, nos canta, nos hace saber que también nos siente. Y es que el mirar y observar algo propio, algo que mantenemos genera cierto estímulo interno, una sensación invisible pero energizante... admiramos aquello que logramos incluir a nuestras diferentes casillas. Agregamos, admiramos, sentimos... Porque las colecciones están destinadas a expandirse, expando esta materia, esta idea y esta propuesta. Colecciono objetos, pensamientos y momentos, organizados por una variable mente que sólo conoce de niveles inferiores de razones o entendimientos... Vengo a admirar mi colección, aquello y aquellos que forman parte de tal espacio físico, en esta dimensión de colores que adoro no comprender. Sin saber exactamente las razones, expando esta costumbre de acumular sensaciones porque la verdad es que le encuentro sentido al debatirme entre mis adicciones y mis verdades. No hay modo, no hay punto exacto. te doy todo, y siempre guardo algo. si estás oculta cómo sabré quién eres. me amas a oscuras, duermes envuelta en redes. Signos, mi parte insegura. bajo una luna hostil, signos. Mar de fondo, no caeré en la trampa. llámame pronto, acertijos bajo el agua. si algo cedes, calmaré tu histeria. con los dientes rasgaré tus medias. Signos... uniendo fisuras, figuras sin definir, signos... Come And Hit0 voicesIt felt like that, not so long ago when your hopes were gone fading as cold air staring at them as a sad movie end you were sure that was the road your expectations would leave It's been too easy to asure asure the not expecting and that old sensation dizzy but amazing inside you you felt it once, then again but in your mind it wasn't suppose to come back Lying to yourself by saying you do believe in surprises but amusing yourself with this this night this sensation this new version of life something you keep on forcing to yourself You are not in that place anymore you've moved and your feet float for new ideas new rooms and new kisses can bring you back to a well-known heaven Tonight, dedicating this song to that old version of you who thought one love was enough, forgetting about infatuated experiences and seeing it wave in a far far distance after a night like this, crushes make you float once more... Lyrics by John Mayer You got me crying, as was your plan But when my loneliness is through, I'm gonna find another you You take your sweaters You take your time You might have your reasons but you will never have my rhymes I'm gonna sing my way away from blue I'm gonna find another you When I was your lover No one else would do If I'm forced to find another, I hope she looks like you Yeah and she's nicer too So go on baby Make your little get away My pride will keep me company And you just gave yours all away Now I'm gonna dress myself for two Once for me and once for someone new I'm gonna do somethings you wouldn't let me do Oh I'm gonna find another you But Then0 voicesClouds are turning off despite the time, I thought they'd stay No more drops of rain behind this curtain, I thought it'd remain One more shade comes clean I thought it was already here But then in a second you show up and this world becomes normal again no wonder can stay within my whispers you stare Flowers came to the party and in a chance they felt disgrace That old turtle would never forgive me for a misunderstanding will never be given Then color turned around and there was I protecting the mirror for a single moment, that could all disappear But then in a second you show up and this world becomes normal again No wonder can stay Within my whispers you stare Within my whispers you share
Prófugos0 voicesSalían de uno en uno, a mi parecer la entrevista había finalizado y le tocaría al último grupo entrar, las ansias eran diversas aún cuando estaba segura de lo que se vendría. Marcos de tiempo que parecen desvanecerse y separar la realidad en antes de una mirada y despues de ella, me levanté para acercarme a la puerta y ser la primera persona en entrar cuando él torpemente dijo "no big deal miss" Como si el tiempo se burlase de quienes razonamos sobre él, deteniéndose para resaltar aquel acto... Existió una sensación extraña que recorrió mi cabeza mientras la mirada terminaba de confirmarme aquel encuentro. Fue unos años antes, cuando aquella visita pasó al record de sus historias y cierto personaje hizo de las suyas al revelar ansias y deseos de exploración que tanta mala fama poseen. Su nombre hizo eco en lo que muchas expectativas con origenes ocultos transformaron, horas acumuladas frente a aquella repetida situación con distinto protagonista. Aún mi cuerpo se encontraba paralizado ante tal muestra del universo, siendo mis ojos testigos de una variación a estas rutinas emocionales... mientras se alejaba volteó ligeramente a mirarme de nuevo, expresando lo que parecía ser una sonrisa complice de esta idea tan particular: sólo existe el presente en esta realidad nuestra. Letras de Soda Stereo Somos complices los dos al menos se que huyo porque amo necesito distension estar asi despierto es un delirio de condenados Como un efecto residual yo siempre tomare el desvio tus ojos nunca mentiran pero ese ruido blanco es una alarma en mis oidos No seas tan cruel no busques mas pretextos no seas tan cruel siempre seremos profugos los dos No tenemos donde ir somos como un area desvastada carreteras sin sentido religiones sin motivo como podremos sobrevivir No seas tan cruel no busques mas pretextos no seas tan cruel siempre seremos siempre seremos profugos los dos Ven no seas tan cruel no busques mas pretextos no seas tan cruel siempre seremos profugos siempre seremos profugos Shuffle0 voicesI had no intentions to come and write here tonight, but this song got to me and well... you'll see. At first when I knew the information of the song, many things and memories came to my mind and as a nice surprise, I laughed. For a moment I traveled back to this amazing feeling and place where one soul and many shared ideas made me feel alone in such a magical way. So then, the title of the song and then the lyrics... It seemed to be perfect for a singular post about complaints, but as I'm feeling right now, it might be a bit different from what I expected. There's no doubt that one island got left and as intense as this music is I assure that no words seem to come from my brain to my fingers as I type about the experience, it just disappeared in a tragic but kind of common way. And as I keep on listening to this guy with funny hair sing, I realize we all stay with each other until the end comes, creepy right? Memories can't actually fade, and sensations can only transform which leaves us with new perspectives and the hopes of new rooms to explore. Sitting in that hall every once in a while to perceive what's around and hearing the sounds of old souls, but that could be a whole different post. Tonight can only be about the ghost of a place that I miss whenever my head turns back and remembers what was there for it... and as that frame seems to get smaller by the distance, I laugh when I see that one simple song can make it show up as if I just put myself back in that island. 3:12 minutes passed and I came back to my current position, constantly fighting infatuations, figuring out some surprising situations and stepping hard on this floor that feels so mine as it never felt before, still wanting more phrases... Maybe not the same unique feeling of being O.K. that we once shared, but definitely a sensation that seems to be good enough to make me write this and don't feel like texting "dododo.. did you hear the mcs new song?!" P.S.: I hope this generates one simple smile... I've got to get this song in my ipod.. myspace can only work for a while.. THE Lyrics by Motion City Soundtrack To the deep end to the heartline holds, straight jetterman holds straight degenerate you can little beaver trapped in medication All strung out on novelty collapse it solves just try to comprehend and leave the island of bitter beestings severing and shattering free the self-infixing inbetween taxilation walking up around you guess whose on the waiting list I'll let you in on something secret I can disapear any time I want to, time I feel you shuffle through my skin I am with you till the end first you breathe out than you have to breathe in blast yourself repeatedly until it sticks until it sticks so many eyelids carry on gidavern festering interiors i'll have a breach in labors silouettes My medication will medication coursing through your inner space I'm matergrate confused and counterfeit kamakazi's sear the pun inside you guess whose got it figured out I'll let you in on someting secret I can disappear any time I want to, any time I feel you shuffle through my skin I am with you till the end and I can decompose when it suits me I accelerate we get on all fours I surrender to the scores You'll never know how it feels You'll never know how it feels Can you feel it? Can you feel it? I can disappear, any time I want to, time I feel you Shuffle through my skin I am with you till the end I can decompose when it suits me I accelerated we get on all fours I surrender to the score and I can disappear any time I want to, any time I feel you shuffle through my skin I am with you till the end I'm with you till the end. Smile Behind The Screen0 voicesAs a unique routine you’re very much familiar with. For many different reasons that object seems to be important for you. And you wonder… how is that a non-living item can make you feel like a child in front of his/her first Christmas present… a sensation that even when we grow up, we try to hold on to it, and fight who ever dares taking it away from us. …one smile that got you by surprise and the muscles on your face couldn’t help but to express that singular movement. …one smile that you give to an object that can’t really see it, feel it or touch it. …one smile that you wish could go through the glass and spread its energy to that other soul that has decided to join you in this amazingly surprising frame of time. No picture for this entry, but one special song to sing along... The Spot0 voicesThis same spot I've seen before I walked right by it, but took too much time thinking if I should stop or not then I walked away, and smiled about it Always the same time.. 9:24 pm Some more days passed by I found myself walking near the spot once more and it didn't surprise me to find myself waiting to stay and check it out One day I stayed, it was 9:24 pm I stood there and watched people walk by me talk right next to me I heard you and I saw you fixing this energy I felt standing here then I walked away again. Months went by and I kept on crossing myself with the spot wondering why on earth my feet keep on guiding me thinking about what there is to offer in here knowing that I could stay just for too long understanding that oh well.. it is you who I wait for So now I walk by it, and little notes I leave for you I want to join you in the magic but everything I know tells me not to. Your soul is new to me, but the shadow not so much Here I'll stand, whenever is 9:24 pm so make a plan. Make Me Jump0 voicesMeeting you in one alone Friday night talking about that old love fading crushes and making sure we're not copying that song although yes, we're tierd of being alone Search for me, and find one answer one smile and one unique understanding I'll be writing our love song, for no one but as together as we suffer one simple smile can surprise us and we'll be golden for a couple of seconds la la la node your head with this song and whisper that hidden idea I won't hear it and your secret will stay safe for more time Hurry and be my company for a colorful frame of time you're so good for me in this moment for this time of my universe and for a reaction in a universe that seems to keep us connected Sign in and we'll keep on figuring this out for a moment that seems to eat other people alive we smile to each other we might be staying golden in my own different dimension you'll be safe from me. I'll know it, when I see you and your heart is not jumping right now, we'll wait for our hearts to jump together for them. Crossing Water1 voicesThey could meet and find each other
those moments could be saved for one simple eternity. So many "could" in a short phrase... so many whispers in one line 'cause this river of mine still carries the not knowing ignoring emptiness in one small answer. Our waters once crossed and met, the liked each other but now that both have flouted I can't stop drowning as if July never ends. Tonight will be 122 days 2928 hours and 175680 impulses for the strength of this wave that fights against me for my hand not to reach and sink. In other words, I crossed your river and I can't get out of it until the water clears for me. Other waters await but you froze yours so much that I no longer feel like belonging in it I'll see you come back not knowing my feet wait for that reaction to swim away. ~ L in the photo Encounter II0 voicesWould you let me walk down your street? Would you sell me a bit of your time? Amazing glitter I own and for some hours I could exchange them. Would you leave your universe for a while? And join me in this golden balloon that can only hold us before dawn. Would you bring your music with you? These notes of mine can make me smile There's one bag of minutes before the guard comes back. Swim in a naked space and some sounds to cheat time Clocks fell in love with our laugh. Would you think about this dream before he wakes up? From his body we took this energy, these movements and after is all gone... your soul shall go back to that other universe. Would you let me say good bye once more? Would you remind me about this moment? We shall meet again soon. Extraordinary0 voices
Your perspective will always be the same, whether you make changes in your steps or not, the vision provided will remain, something different will always be needed.
You could take a moment of your day and think of your life as kind, special, regular or that rush could surprise you on an early morning, and you might wonder if this is all there should be for you, well then.. you can always tell yourself that some things could be different, as if different would be relative to happiness.. is different always good? We will always need/want more, new ideas and ways to reach out, new opinions and getaways for illusions to become real. The control of time and other people's effect in our lives, we will always need/want more from them, from us. But after getting it you'll end up in that same place, gathering memories and fantasies of "what if"... But while you're sneaking around, you might miss the greatest answer for this deal there is... Surprise yourself by knowing that without knowing things can become extraordinary, in a matter of time, shapes and shades. Only surprises can change your ordinary road into an extraordinary world. But we can really screw it up... If you seek, the surprise won't show up If you force change, the surprise won't help If you wait, the surprise will laugh Let yourself be surprised by this universe and extraordinary your day will be. Ordinary still? Lyrics by Natalie Merchant When I was just a little girl my mamma said to me, "beware of the devil my child In the dark rocky places he'll keep Beware of the devil my child Beware of his charming ways You'll fall under an evil spell Just looking at his beautiful face You gotta build yourself a levee deep inside" "don't go walking by the riverside Alone in the pale moonlight He'll come up upon you girl With no earthy body in sight Come up upon you girl And he'll whisper something sweet Then take you where the waters rise So high and run so deep." "you gotta build yourself a levee deep inside Gotta build yourself a levee deep inside Build yourself a levee girl when the waters run high" Now when I was just a little girl my mamma said to me, "beware of the devil my child But if by chance you should meet Beware of his cold dark eyes full of bold and unholy deceit He'll tempt you with a whirling pool of lies and promises He'll deny or that he will never keep" "you gotta build yourself a levee deep inside Gotta build yourself a levee deep inside Build yourself a levee girl when the waters run high" 1:08 AM0 voicesAnd here I am once again, facing this ceiling because I guess you were all waiting there's a new face and soul sitting here with us without knowing, my energy brought you here tonight and I don't seem to be surprised by it So hey you... Filling this room with terrible and bad ideas that make us laugh 'cause you're hanging up there and there's so much I can share with you staring at each one of you and all these ideas you see in my eyes oh no, disaster it is why we're doing this, this way... before you all wake up and feel weird maybe you had a dream and wonder why did I make you think about me? Clicking clock and shining mirrors for a moment we're all quiet and the silence takes us softly and while that song plays underneath the energy I thank you for coming during my sleep It is 1:08 AM and the feeling is still great every night. Wake Up.20 voicesAs if that rush could make your feet go faster and faster light wind through your hair and directly to your neck, fall down just for the time needed with musical sadness and a cup of honey for dinner. There are some orange squares indicating the way but you won't make it unless you breathe in and lift your body come back from that wonder come back from that hole. When you went to that space you felt the energy and it was real but as you fell you could smell the strawberrys and nothing felt so sick then Look up and you will see no one You might wait for a while during the fall but he won't show up and he might not understand this maybe if you look down Wonderfully waiting by that gray door... It gets clear and light feels so warm on your face you can almost smell the tangerines now. So, After0 voicesAnd what happens after your mind has set up an idea? Truth it is that the more certain, the more you glow What happens after your actions respond to that awareness? There is a world that won't stop throwing its effects on you So what happens after you told them how you felt? So they say, there are some that will fight back and some that will settle What happens with that you've been hiding from your choices? It looks back at you and you have no answer that seems to satisfy And what happens when that other you seems to be gaining power? You just wish for them not to know. Saying hello to a fear that you thought was gone... Rain No0 voicesRain no more the moments I've waited. Rain no more for all the times I waited for you to wake up. Rain no more for the times I thought things were meant to be like that Rain no more for my perspective of all. If I could make you disappear If I could erase from this frame If I had that magical power If I cared enough for myself, Rain no more in my heart Rain no more for your experiments with me Rain no more for the ones I push away Rain no more for my body and its pain If I could make you face your truth, and to me. Bite Your Tongue0 voicesSome say that is not very healthy to relay your process of feeling better on someone new every time, and some others would agree with the first group’s opinion. And they might be right, but I can't avoid it, as they come they go, but I have them and they have me. Lyrics by Duncan Sheik Such an annoying conversation I'm sorry but I'm tired of trying To be some picture of compassion ...and anyway it sounds like I'm lying ...and yes I've heard the words has conspired To steal away your god-given right To a happy home and comfortable children Next you'll sue them for abandoning you So bite your tongue You're not the only one Who's been let down Bite your tongue Maybe it's good for you To hit the ground Oh, christ...it's gonna sound like I'm agreeing With the most ultra-boring ideas Of pops psychological western gurus Who haven't gotten lucky in years ...and so you see I have no intention Of giving you the easy way out yes I'll smile as I burn the self-help section Of my local bookstore Blame the shapes and blame the angles Blame it on your own dark planes If you blame on something other... The victim's somg remains... Remains... Dream Maker0 voices*So they say you're here to see me, and I thought you weren't brave enough... so speak up. - I've made my decision, and I need you to make it real. *Real can never be the word to describe my performance within your mind, if fantasy isn't what you're looking for, you must leave now. - There's nothing real in the steps I take, or the situations I'm in. *If fake ideas may fill your desire, then breathe with me while I steal your thoughts and leave my magic inside your head. - Then if so, I will only seek for my nights to be long and clear... and all that I work for will turn into energy for my eyes to stay closed; your dust makes me fly. *Breathe again and don't ever face the ground, for a tragic fall you must avoid. There's only magic and invisible air in this room, so make it yours with this power I provide. - And if I get to realize that living the dream is better than reality... *... then I'll grow in you as oxygen expanding in human's lungs... But awaking is beyond my power and dreams can never be this fantastic unless your mind is resting under my control. - Then make that happen... Lyrics by Kelly De Martino Don't you see
All I wanted to be Was just like you And here I am Guitar in my hand And I'm just like you Don't you see All I wanted to be Was just like you And here I am Packed my bags and ran And I'm just like you Don't you see All I wanted to be Was just like you And so I'll go Still love you though First2 voicesThere's always a first time for everything, and it becomes the cover of special albums you start collecting during your walk. The first time your body felt like shaking in the presence of that other energy. The first time you let someone else know what you really thought. The first time you made your versions clear and felt good about it. The first time you decided to be irresponsible and liked it. The first time you heard that song. The first time you felt like your skin was born after a touch. The first time you waited for the tears to come but a different feeling surprised you. The first time you realized you needed that control. The first time you began counting times and dates. The first time someone stole your kiss. The first time you saw colors in everything. The first time you made a mistake and couldn't forgive yourself. The first time you made someone say that line and then blamed him for it. The first time you thought about someone else while being with this other person. The first time your heart felt different in a terrible way. The first time your thoughts became dancing species. The first time you felt that desire of holding a hand. The first time you knew you could change realities for a future with less disappointments from his soul. Just because I will never run out of them... Lyrics by No Doubt You and me We used to be together Everyday together always I really feel That I'm losing my best friend I can't believe This could be the end It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real Well I don't want to know Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts Our memories Well, they can be inviting But some are altogether Mighty frightening As we die, both you and I With my head in my hands I sit and cry Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no) Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts It's all ending I gotta stop pretending who we are... You and me I can see us dying...are we? Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no) Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't tell me cause it hurts! I know what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't speak, don't speak, don't speak, oh I know what you're thinking And I don't need your reasons I know you're good, I know you're good, I know you're real good Oh, la la la la la la La la la la la la Don't, Don't, uh-huh Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts Five Minutes0 voicesFive minutes to go over that conversation again
Five minutes before you start asking where we stood once more Five minutes before that songs plays again Five minutes before I force myself to deal with it Five minutes until this whole frame disappears Five minutes before I start yelling again Five minutes for your eyes to tear me down Five minutes before we go back to our corners and think of our next move Five minutes to hide Five minutes to be quiet Five minutes of not listening Five minutes to drive you crazy I'm smiling in here In 4 Is Gone0 voicesRemember about your careless time
and the point where you began looking down staring at your shoes they never walked alone Remember the endless smile and the pain behind those muscles holding all that air inside you kept so much for yourself Remember the power that was beneath it and that transparent door we could both see through it but did you ever understand the image? Remember how the future used to look like and all the corners I began to find you became a master in your art and yesterday changed what I needed forever Huddled In A Bundle0 voicesJust as in a magical and twisted way I turn regular stuff about a day into a musical fantasy of a wonderful experience, maybe like falling into that hole of Alice… Nothing to do with the main title of this, but as common for many as it is for me, bumping into others happens in a daily basis. Random people, people you might not wanna run into, people that you were expecting to see that day, people who in a subconscious level you put right in front of you just to see a reaction, and other simpler reasons… but there they are and so as you. In the photo: Wal & Vivian so the soldiers soak up all the sun and the company is continually struck dumb now everyone wonders where we're from while the level-headed are heading for their homes way before they come all i know is i'm never gonna go the safe way home so heres a clue for all you new boy destroyers never ever think about granting us piece but please relieve the clarity and forget them before our loyal own start moaning like children before their uniformed brethren send them to heaven all i know is im never gonna go the safe way home quality time with the unkind is better than being alone it's all i know why does every evening have to end this way huddled in a bundle in a dark dark doorway freezing please baby throw down some keys let this kitten in meow it's me all i know is i'm never gonna go the safe way home quality time with the unkind is better than being alone it's all i know why does eveery evening have to end this way why oh why does every evening have to end
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