
Add some pushing desires to my behavior and you'll find the right answer to what my face shows. Because whenever  I perceive I can comply with someone's needs, then I throw myself to the void of just doing it.

I adjust, and adjust and adjust once more... because I can and because I grow when people around me is satisfied or not uncomfortable at all, like if that would only depend on me and would also cover for the burying of what I want or need. Me in a second or third place, always.

Add some lying expressions, and a smile that's suppose to make them believe I'm just fine, and you'll find my current status so regular in time.

I adjust, and adjust, and then keep on adjusting.
And even when to all that adjustment I add all the anger of this frustation aware of the non-adjusting of others, I don't stop.

Lyrics byHooverphonic

Overwhelming as they are
Breeding hope by counting stars
Merge the bitterness the pain
Which I'm sure
You can explain again
One gets hurt when she feels small
( And she's longing for some peace )
Beeing the center of it all
( Slow attack but fast release )
Hear the difference in vain
Out of tune but just not quite the same
Overwhelming as they are
( With their mistifying glow )
Breeding hope by counting stars
( As they hunger for the show )
Hear the difference in vain
Out of tune but just not quite the same

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