Some say that is not very healthy to relay your process of feeling better on someone new every time, and some others would agree with the first group’s opinion. And they might be right, but I can't avoid it, as they come they go, but I have them and they have me.
Lyrics by Duncan Sheik
Such an annoying conversation
I'm sorry but I'm tired of trying
To be some picture of compassion
...and anyway it sounds like I'm lying
...and yes I've heard the words has conspired
To steal away your god-given right
To a happy home and comfortable children
Next you'll sue them for abandoning you
So bite your tongue
You're not the only one
Who's been let down
Bite your tongue
Maybe it's good for you
To hit the ground
Oh, christ...it's gonna sound like I'm agreeing
With the most ultra-boring ideas
Of pops psychological western gurus
Who haven't gotten lucky in years
...and so you see I have no intention
Of giving you the easy way out
yes I'll smile as I burn the self-help section
Of my local bookstore
Blame the shapes and blame the angles
Blame it on your own dark planes
If you blame on something other...
The victim's somg remains...
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