Rise and shine, bring me back to this amazing surface because it's been one unique journey. What else do I need to get my feet on track? One, two, and some other pieces together for one huge puzzle that one box cannot contain.
There's this display of images and sensations that I gather and analyze, for one bright smile to appear on my face, this is how it feels the beginning of something new... a new perspective, a new change of direction, a new idea of future and the new sensation of skills to develop, and other worlds to meet.
For a moment my knees shake and my heart jumps inside my chest, for this wonderful fear of not knowing what I'm facing, and knowing exactly what I'm leaving behind. I don't think my head can put the perfect words to describe the feeling, and funny to think how everybody at a certain point get to this state of joy. Because I feel like I just got home and I get to draw what kind of music my time and moments will be dacing.
Fresh air ran through my body and my soul, and this kind of mystery never felt so great... For a present that surrounds me, for a game of actions that will carry me away and for souls that I keep on admiring as they discover their own universes within themselves. Sharing perspectives never felt better than right now; I'm just grateful that they let me feel a piece of their lives.
As for tomorrow, all I know is that this sensation will remain and the smile will wake me up.
P.S.: What a wonderful surprise.
Lyrics by Madonna
Zephyr in the sky at night I wonder
Do my tears of mourning sink beneath the sun
She's got herself a universe gone quickly
For the call of thunder threatens everyone
And I feel like I just got home
And I feel
And I feel like I just got home
And I feel
Faster than the speeding light she's flying
Trying to remember where it all began
She's got herself a little piece of heaven
Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one
Quicker than a ray of light
Quicker than a ray of light
Quicker than a ray of light
And I feel
Quicker than a ray of light
Then gone for
Someone else shall be there
Through the endless years
She's got herself a universe
She's got herself a universe
She's got herself a universe
And I feel
Quicker than a ray of light she's flying
Quicker than a ray of light I'm flying
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