"Why try harder?"
I just saw/read that line and it made me think a lot
Yeap, I know I always think that much, but this just made think in a different way, it made think about NOT thinking at all... I know, it sounds weird, but well that's just me, and I guess reading this from me shouldn't be as weird as you think it is, don't you think?
Anyway... why try harder? if I think about this line I would say that it doesn't work for me 'cause I'm not that kind of girl, I'm always looking for more, and more and always looking for questions and answers and more answers and more questions, and when I get those I look for something else that could bring more questions and more answers to my life so that way I would feel more satisfied, and the thing now is: does that really work for me (over thinking)? or should I stop trying so hard?
It migh be good for the whole issue, I mean if I stop trying this hard I wouldn't expect so much, do you get what I'm saying? I think I do get it. Maybe what I need is to let my mind go and give it some vacations, it might need those free days.
"Why try harder?" It's true, why? do I get more if I try harder? do I get less if I don't try as hard as I always do? What do I get at the end? Nothing really 'cause I never stop trying so there's no end at all. I keep on going on and on and on 'till I get so tired that sometimes I forget why was I trying in the first place.
Oh well... I guess it's all a game, a game where my mind and myself keep on fighting and I stay here watching very quiet, very very quiet.
And I ask myself, should I keep asking me all these questions? or should I stop trying so hard?
Well, You tell me. You always know what to say to me and I always feel and know that you're right (which I hate sometimes ha!).
Lyrics? Hell yeah, something fun... Blur - Coffee & T.V.
Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
Do you go to the country
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
Cos of who you are
Your ears are full of the language
There's wisdom there you're sure
'Til the words start slurring
And you can't find the door
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
Do you go to the country
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
Cos of who you are
Your ears are full of the language
There's wisdom there you're sure
'Til the words start slurring
And you can't find the door
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
So give me Coffee and TV
I've seen so much
I'm goin blind
And i'm braindead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
I know what u mean... but I've realized that if u don't try harder, u won't be satisfied with what u get in the end, because u'll be thinking that u could do a bigger effort and u didn't... that's why life is so exhausting sometimes, we never stop fighting and thinking. So when u think ur mine needs a break, that's why alcohol exists hahaha ;)
p.s. the wine bottle is safe!
titi(ooh titi)
yey :D
I need it now =(
I try harder because it's just what it takes... I don't like easy roads; you never get anything good from easy roads. or at least thing that ar not as good as the ones you get by trying harder.
Now, about you... I think you try harder because it makes you harder at the end of the day; and I see you as a person who is constantly trying to be better, tougher and stuff.
I may be wrong/out of place here... lately there has been much vodka arround.
en fin, el post era mas que todo hablar paja y si, digamos que yo una necia cuando quiero (osea siempre) y Siempre busco intentarlo mejor, o ser mejor, o como dice "try harder"
el asunto es que llego a un punto en el cual no se que tan fuerte estoy tratando, o donde comence... pierdo la perspectiva Solo por hacerlo lo mejor posible
Y que me queda en el camino? cansancio y agotamiento mental por haberme hecho el recorrido tan dificl cuando podria ser mucho mas simple.
No me refiero a que me gusta obtener las cosas por el camino facil JA! como si no me conocieran... es solo eso, vivir un poco mas y saber cuando intentar de mas y cuando detenerme :)
Me pregunto... tienes acaso todas las respuestas?
No, y he alli lo divertido del asunto :)
Me hizo gracia la foto. Jajajaja que comica esta.