I was supposed to move on
I was supposed to feel better
I was supposed to enjoy myself
I was supposed to live more
I was supposed to smile more
I was supposed to stop crying
I was supposed to feel good about this
I was supposed to stop looking for answers
I was supposed to give up on us
I was supposed to be so many other things
I was supposed to be a great girl
But I'm not suppose to be that girl
I'm suposse to be who I feel is really me
Some of those things I did already...
and some others I didn't
But you know what?
I am enjoying myself
I am living more
I am smiling
But I'm not giving up
'cause if I do...
I would be giving up on me.
Of course you wont give up, you are not a quitter... I admire that
Haha... claro chamo.. esta chica es una luchadora total!