People is used to hate fears and blaming them for many actions we do or we don't do. People blame fear for our lack of motivation to do certain things and it has been that way forever. Many years ago fears were bigger and more realistic... People would fear for the things they didn't know (as it is now but with a different twist) such as natural fenomenons, stars, the sun, storms, the rain... but now days people fear themselves and the way they think. How come we are all afraid of ourselves? does that make any sense at all?
If you ask a phychologist they might have an answer based on theory, but for real people, people that have learned how to manage fear... the answer is simple and real: fears exits for us to feel, if there's no fear at all we would not be able to enjoy other sensations the way we do, such as joy, freedom, excitement, proud, happiness, etc. It's because of fear that we appreciate those emotions.
And for those that don't know this yet, fears develop from the projections of ourselves; the way you see yourself will determinate what fears you have and which ones you are expressing to others. And unconsciously those characteristic we don't like about ourselves will be reflected in our fears. I see myself as a very lonely person, then I fear I will stay alone for good, see where I'm going?
Many fears that people don't see where they're coming from and try to solve them by looking forward... it can only work if you look backwards to connect the dots that where left after your actions. You can only become a certain type of person by the actions you implement in your life and those can only manifest when you know who you are. Is in those moments when fears get created. Fears of not trusting, of not understanding, not expressing or not receiving... if we take a look inside ourselves we would find many answers laying beside those fears.
Fears cannot be deleted, but they can help us understand why we expect some things or why we have certains perspectives; it's only when you get to know your fears, that you really know who you are.
You must have pulled the trigger
Your eyes give you away
The gun in your hand's still smoking
You don't have to take the blame
You have to do what you have to do
You know I'd never judge you
Still time to close those eyes
Forget what happened, forget you lied
Put the mask back on
Put the mask back on
Don't take it off 'till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on
Put the mask back on
Never a disguise as ever lasted so long
Cover Up
Cover Up
Don't let them see the real you
If your secrets cast aside me
All those rumours might just end up being true
You're free to do what you want
You never though of consequences
You created your own little world
Where you could always beat a friend
A place where the rules do not apply
You could never be denied
You took advantage of a good think
Now the void you filled is empty
Put the mask back on
Put the mask back on
Don't take it off 'till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on
Put the mask back on
Never a disguise as ever lasted so long
Cover Up
Cover Up
Don't let them see the real you
If your secrets cast aside me
All those rumours might just end up being true
Cover Up
Cover Up
Don't question anything you do
You have always get decoyed
But your conscience hunts you
Every time you choose
Does anyone, ever reach down to you?
Does anyone, ever seen your real face?
Does anyone, know what you've been doing?
Does the one we used to know fades away?
Cover Up
Cover Up
Don't let them see the real you
If your secrets cast aside me
All those rumours might just end up being true
Cover Up
Cover Up
Don't question anything you do
You have always get decoyed
But your conscience hunts you
Every time you choose
Muy cierto una etapa bastante complicada por la ual paso, y como todo a cada cosa su color he aprendido que el temor recuerda muchas cosas y nos hace muchas veces reflexionr pero tampoco hay que darle tanta importancia porque cuando le das mucha importancia es cuando se complican las cosas
ay mija casi lloro con tu post... pa q luego no digas q no los leo... pero estoy algo sensible! Ademas es muy cierto. Un beso
No veo el nuevo template.. no lo veeeeo... besito!
diegoo aun nada!! me desesperooo