Saving (Not)0 voices![]() This could be a very long post, but it won't. I'm writing, then taking my tools and leave. It has been pretty easy for me to put every single situation into a logical procedure so it would work just fine, giving me results well-known (hehe sure..). And now when my perspectives have been improving with time, I see myself understanding this kind of living I have. Since I was a kid my mom would solve all my issues and teach me how to solve them on my own as I'd grow up. With time, I learnt to do so, but still there was a part of me that always needed to be saved, by whoever felt connected to my state, there was always someone. And for that.. I spent years hooking up with these relationships to wait and see myself being saved by them. hehe... There were moments when I blamed myself for expecting this to happen, and I tried looking for solutions to this weird and childish kind of living... but then again, after a while I would see myself waiting to be saved once more. Just to create an extreme side of who I was: strong and secure on one side and pretty weak and stupid on the other one, compromising myself to people all the time. Today I keep on doing it, and also trying to avoid it... but still it remains within me and I can't expect Ana to fix this so quickly... at the end, it's one of her biggest pieces as a person she is... and for all this, the reason why this is my favorite song ever. Photo by D Song+Lyrics by Oasis Today is gonna be the day That they're gonna throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now Backbeat the word was on the street That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before But you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels The way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk along are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day? But they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do About you now And all the roads that lead to you were winding And all the lights that light the way are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you I don't know how I said maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after an You're my wonderwall Said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me Dimensional Beat0 voices![]() Speaking is a whole different thing, words come out easily as well, but it takes time and too much thinking to actually say whatever I'm gonna say, and when I do what comes out is just a 25% of what I really wanted to say... Classifying people I relate to in dimensions: those who are behind a monitor or on the other side of a phone are bidimensional, and people that see me pretty often are in a three dimensional side. For all this, I've learnt to manage relatonships depending on the dimension they're developing in. People that sees me in a daily basis know how I talk and how I express myself, and they might say I won't say too much but the right thing at the moment and that I'm constantly wondering. People that don't see me in a regular basis, will say I can't keep my mouth shut. And for all that, I classify relationships I have based on that fact. For years, I've change the dimensions of all these relations, for different reasons and they are now where they should be... But there're others... just a few, that I can't really locate 'cause it's not in my power. Bidimensional relationships that I keep on feeding and holding on to for my own and growing addiction. But as much as I think of ways to control the sensations that come everytime I see how powerless I am to this, the more I depend on them. When I know all I could do is let them go. I heard this song and it made me think of one person that became bidimensional for me, 'cause it feels just right this way... For many years of three dimensional experiences before this time. And for the "always there" closure to this post, this: it might take a while to finally do so, but the decision hasn't been made yet. Lyrics by Liars Academy It's news to me With my head against the wall Feeling beat But not beaten up at all Right now I remember these things That make me think about you Right now I remember these things They all connect Let me tell you how I feel All excess bleeds through the cracks You lie cheat and steal And you're all used up You lie, this time There's a train Derailing in my brain Once in a while The driver says my name. Mech0 voices![]() Para nadie es algo nuevo que las costumbres existen, no hablando de cultura (específicamente) sino la acción de acostumbrarse a algo. Si bien no podemos escapar de ello, tratamos de evitarlo al máximo para no sentir que nuestras vidas van arrastradas por rutinas mandonas y posesivas (ahg! mie nueva palabra). La mayoría se mantiene en constante búsqueda de formas que eviten esa adaptación de alguna forma de variable constante en nuestros día a día. Otros pocos realmente lo disfrutan, pero muy dentro sienten que algún mal deben tener si creen ser felices viendo sus días pasar como una película repetida en TNT. Para nadie es claro que puede gustarnos o no, pero lo que si es cierto es que no escapamos y de cierta forma algunos podrían encontrar ese lugar perfecto donde nos presentamos frente a esa forma de vida quizás automática y decimos: "sabes que? fino... lo acepto" Nos condenamos de una u otra forma; si evitamos acostumbrarnos gastamos demasiadas energías en conectar "escape" tras "escape", solo para no sentir que pisamos las mismas huellas día tras día. Pero si nos acostumbramos a algo, para simplemente actuar como se "supone" las personas cuerdas actúen, entonces siempre llega algún choque a esa costumbre... Situaciones que nos demandan un cambio, porque ah.. claro, los cambios también son obligados, nadie los pidió pero allí están. (ojo, a mi si me caen bien) La cuestión está en que a medida que las mentes se aburren más, o tienen más tiempo vago para pensar y más dudas que nadie sabe de dónde vienen (véase Ana Valentina) se comienza a ver esa costumbre como un extremo llamado de atención. Porque creo ciegamente en el control, y considero que si me creo lo suficientemente engreída (al final a quien le importa...) podría controlar ciertas costumbres con respecto a cuando terminan o que dejan. Para bajar los humos, daré un par de ejemplos (algunos míos otros tomados): costumbres a personas, relaciones, actividades, respuestas, excusas creadas, imagenes que presentamos a los demás, respuestas automáticas, rechazos sin base o lógica, negación a la inseguridad a través de propia ubicación en extremistas posiciones (ejemplo: "los emos apestan... yo soy heavy metal" o "todos andan con blackberry... yo nada que ver)... Personas que se acostumbran a sus miedos e inseguridades y que se demuestran en sus extremos rechazos a ciertas cosas. Y es que a quién le importa lo que quieres sea costumbre o no? Una vez mi mamá me dijo "Si quieres espacio, organiza"... todo cabe mejor cuando se ordenan las ideas, las sensaciones, las reacciones y ciertamente las costumbres. No es otra analogía fría y calculadora de una Ana que "aparenta" sabérselas todas, sino una perspectiva que al menos a mi, me dirige a una paz con lo que hago y lo que no hago.. tan sólo para ver si se nos hace más fácil encontrar el caminito antes que Alicia despierte del sueño. I want to live where soul meets body And let the sun wrap its arms around me And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing And feel, feel what its like to be new Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations So they may have a chance of finding a place where they’re far more suited than here And I cannot guess what we'll discover When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s And not one speck will remain And I do believe it’s true That there are roads left in both of our shoes But if the silence takes you Then I hope it takes me too So brown eyes I hold you near Cause you’re the only song I want to hear A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere Where soul meets body Where soul meets body Where soul meets body And I do believe it’s true That there are roads left in both of our shoes But if the silence takes you Then I hope it takes me too So brown eyes I hold you near Cause you’re the only song I want to hear A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere Nothing Wrong1 voices![]() There's fear within people and sensations that get damaged by fear. But fear does not represent a disease to take care of, but a kind of dark factor that can show itself in many different shapes. It gets pretty imposible to handle fear just for that reason, so we spend our lives trying to avoid being afraid, but scared of fear as well. Tonight I realized that within all my fears, one of the biggest is to hold scared people to my life. For my condition, I take their fears and turn them into mine; just to stablish a weird connection and maybe try to maintain relationships.. I've always wonder why my expectations seem to be enemies instead of allies, and for the lack of answers I've been able to get, I began thinking about this posibility: it's because of fear. Fear to let go, fear to hold on, fear to express too much, fear of loneliness, fear of not being enough for people and the worst: fear of being misunderstood... it happens all the time. But what I really want, what I've always wanted is to feel ok with whatever I say or show or do... but the fuckin perspectives get through people's mind and fear gets created. There's nothing I can do, and it has been a struggle to assume that. Which is why I'm now expressing here: I got nothing to do around people that lie and say they don't fear, 'cause they do and what is worst, they seem to fear me... If there's something I'm glad for is the fact that I'm getting used to this way of learning (anyways it's always been fun just using the term)..: the rough way. Photo by: Viviana Guimera In the photo: Carlos Lyrics by Jimmy Eat World Hold them down, all bleeding suspects (Just because, just 'cause, just who are you?) Like candle light, burn burn burn, baby (Burn, burn, whose turn, Who gets a taste today?) We've done nothing wrong, But we've done nothing We can't look away, But we're just looking in It's second nature to say, Hey hey hey, we've done nothing wrong! Turn them off, all blacklist singers (Don't ask why, don't cry, don't make a scene) A forty-five, spin spin spin, give in (Spin spin, who wins, who's not afraid to play?) We've done nothing wrong, But we've done nothing! We can't look away, But we're just looking in! It's second nature to say, Hey hey hey, we've done nothing but - Nothing but take what's handed down Said nothing but words approved to shout We wanna know that we own the cake we're eating Spit it out! Out, out... Hold them down (burn, burn) Hold them down, all bleeding suspects Turn them off (turn, turn) Turn them off, all blacklist singers We've done nothing wrong! We've done nothing wrong!
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