People and the wonderful vision we all have of situations. Colors everywhere, movements and buttons… yes, buttons. Seeing those from a certain perspective (yep, mine), buttons are everywhere and there’re many as can be:
Start buttons:
Some might believe this, some just wont… and they should. We have the power to set things in motion. When we are sure and we trust in that power, the universe cooperates with our plan and we press the start button for situations to get created. Imagination? Heh, sure. Try it.
Once we got ourselves in this particular situation, there’re actions we might take to make things stop just for a while… you could do this to check if that place is where you really want to be, and what you’re doing is what really makes you happy. Just press pause once to analyze and press pause once more to keep on moving.
This very special button is hard to figure out and to use. It works to create possible events that might happen or not during your very unique and fun walk (yep, The situation). Some people don’t understand the magical power of this pretty button and might not give the proper use to it. It’s not easy to get conclusions from very personal ideas. But the button is there waiting to be pressed.
One of the buttons people enjoy the most. But a button that can’t really maintain the sensations or feelings the person experiments during certain events. You go through this situation and after time passes by you press this button to live it again in your head, but with time the effect fades and it’s necessary to go find some other situations… or the way to recreate that one you enjoyed so much.
One of my favorites and only real if your imagination is as big as it can be. Situations could be so perfect, fun or right that time could be pushed aside for it is invisible and can’t control our motions. This button of magical power that can give us the great sensation of some high emotion, enjoying for longer that rush of events that got started.
Very effective if they’re used the correct way. People tend to use this button very often and they regret doing it after a short break of reality, it’s an emergency stop for those situations that might get out of control, got to big to handle, it has been wasted or as simple as “this is not making me happy anymore!!!!”. After this button is pressed the situation won’t ever come back as it was before.
Lyrics by Hey Mercedes
this is what you're up against
your head rings to the rhythm of the alarm
clock time in breathe in time out breathe out
i doubt that this is what you're all about
this is what you're up against
the television and your version of aversion
the car the candy and the shower curtain
blurting out the answers
you didn't even ask for
but it's bound to get better
it better
slow motion replay
day in day out
we came all this way now
we'll fire up just to push them down
human, we've got a little problem here
us babies need to back up to the base or
do you want to fake it
kiss it just to taste it
a door in the face or
a face on the floor
this is what i'm up against
five drinks and a season of surrendering
come out come out we all give up
got too tough and enough is enough
wait i can see
our selves set free
the sound and the string and
you and me
slow motion replay
day in day out
we all came this way now
we'll fire up just to push them down
i can't wait to see you wait
wait i can see
our selves set free
the simmering sea and
you and me
me encanta! el problema aqui es que,el rewind button no es en si real,porque no podemos retroceder el tiempo para no decir o hacer lo que dijimos o hicimos.Es mas como un boton para recordar!
me gusta mucho :)
exacto.. por eso me referia a las sensaciones que se desgastan al usar mucho este boton... cuando recuerdas gastas poco a poco la sensacion o emocion que dejo ese recuerdo, asi que al pasar el tiempo el recuerdo se vuelve mas insipido.
no te alejes mema!