No tienen que ser necesariamente tan lindas, pero la imagen es para crear una idea.
En lo que muchos llamamos vida, vamos amarrándonos y soltándonos de relaciones con las personas que se cruzan en nuestros caminos, proporcionándonos miles de trozos de historia que coleccionar a través del tiempo.
Cada una representa toda la intensidad que se le brinda a cierto momento en nuestro camino, y todos los pensamientos y emociones que surgen de tal. Pero por lo general son historias que tienen fin y toca guardar todo en una caja para seguir adelante. Esas cajas que vamos armando no son selladas; procuramos dejarlas en un espacio familiar de forma tal que tengamos acceso a esos recuerdos, a los cuales acudimos para sentirnos un poco nostálgicos y emocionales, todo muy justo y necesario.
El asunto es cuando esas cajas vuelven a abrirse, ya sea por nosotros mismos o por otras personas... El remover lo que estaba guardado podría por lo general, representar un suceso más intenso al que estaba almacenado, por lo que las sensaciones y emociones que se despiertan podrían significar algo muy distinto: quizás emocionante, quizás aterrador...
En lo que muchos llamamos vida, vamos amarrándonos y soltándonos de relaciones con las personas que se cruzan en nuestros caminos, proporcionándonos miles de trozos de historia que coleccionar a través del tiempo.
Cada una representa toda la intensidad que se le brinda a cierto momento en nuestro camino, y todos los pensamientos y emociones que surgen de tal. Pero por lo general son historias que tienen fin y toca guardar todo en una caja para seguir adelante. Esas cajas que vamos armando no son selladas; procuramos dejarlas en un espacio familiar de forma tal que tengamos acceso a esos recuerdos, a los cuales acudimos para sentirnos un poco nostálgicos y emocionales, todo muy justo y necesario.
El asunto es cuando esas cajas vuelven a abrirse, ya sea por nosotros mismos o por otras personas... El remover lo que estaba guardado podría por lo general, representar un suceso más intenso al que estaba almacenado, por lo que las sensaciones y emociones que se despiertan podrían significar algo muy distinto: quizás emocionante, quizás aterrador...
Siempre se puede volver a cerrar la caja, pero la cerramos sin terminar de averiguar? o sacamos todo hasta obtener una respuesta?
Lyrics by MCS
(Sort of Random)
I'll get lost, messed up and bored when I'm alone too long
I can't sleep, function or eat when I'm not with someone
Late last fall, she ended it all and moved to who-knows-where
Just like that, she vanished and packed and never even called
Do you feel a certain sense of synergy between yourself and me?
A kind of macabre and somber Wondertwin type of harmony
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool,
Kicking and screaming and pretending we were wrong
Let's get wrecked on pop tarts and sex and see the Taj Mahal
Let's save birds from Prince William Sound and skateboard through the mall
Let's fight crime with mangoes and limes and join the PGA
Let's win big with every spin but hurry, I can't wait
Do you spend a fortune on those late night prepaid television scams
In search of the perfect blender, steak knife and non-stick frying pan?
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool
Thinking we were completely wrong
It seemed like a dream
A beautiful scream
That echoed forever
And made us not afraid to feel a thing
And after it ends
We'll try to be friends
They say that what doesn't kill us makes us who we are
All this time and everything's changed but I still feel the same
All good things eventually end and get washed down the drain
What a disaster it would be if you discovered that I cared
A little too much for friends but not enough to share
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool
Now that I'm sure that I was wrong
It had to be you.
It had to be you.
It had to be you.
I knew it was you.
Lyrics by MCS
(Sort of Random)
I'll get lost, messed up and bored when I'm alone too long
I can't sleep, function or eat when I'm not with someone
Late last fall, she ended it all and moved to who-knows-where
Just like that, she vanished and packed and never even called
Do you feel a certain sense of synergy between yourself and me?
A kind of macabre and somber Wondertwin type of harmony
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool,
Kicking and screaming and pretending we were wrong
Let's get wrecked on pop tarts and sex and see the Taj Mahal
Let's save birds from Prince William Sound and skateboard through the mall
Let's fight crime with mangoes and limes and join the PGA
Let's win big with every spin but hurry, I can't wait
Do you spend a fortune on those late night prepaid television scams
In search of the perfect blender, steak knife and non-stick frying pan?
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool
Thinking we were completely wrong
It seemed like a dream
A beautiful scream
That echoed forever
And made us not afraid to feel a thing
And after it ends
We'll try to be friends
They say that what doesn't kill us makes us who we are
All this time and everything's changed but I still feel the same
All good things eventually end and get washed down the drain
What a disaster it would be if you discovered that I cared
A little too much for friends but not enough to share
What if it was you?
You that I needed all along
I felt like a fool
Now that I'm sure that I was wrong
It had to be you.
It had to be you.
It had to be you.
I knew it was you.
apuesto a que no es solo un decir, me imagino que debes tener esas cajas en fisico de colores y todo lo demas
te encanta remover recuerdos, nada bueno nina.....nada bueno,al menos sabes lo que haces-always
deja de comentar solo porque estas online
your big box must be huge
hola, tiempo sin comentar, pero me senti identificada con tu escrito... aun no se si abrir ciertas cajas es bueno, te lo dere mas adelante. :S
haaa soy yo daniela... la ultima anonimo :D
es muy cierto!!!!hahahaha
nunca lo habia pensado asi, pero tienes razon- todos tenemos cajas por todos lados