Hace algun tiempo dije, mis limites me los trazo cuando siento que camino hacia la nada. Asi que me decidi a darme cuenta de que muchos de los caminos a los cuales pensaba dirigirme (si en algun momento conseguia el valor y el coraje) son ciegos y vacios. Por lo que me he trazado limites que no son en si limites sino señales de Alto para simplemente bajar la mirada enfocar y volver a mirar sin caminos que molesten mi via correcta.
Despues de todo este tiempo, me di cuenta de que lo que sentia al momento de tratar de enfrentar cierta situacion no era solo miedo o nervios... era una sensacion de que estaba mal todo... claro, solo ahora me doy cuenta de que lo que estaba mal era lo que queria lograr, por el hecho de que no habia nada que lograr, los caminos que queria recorrer con el fin de conseguir respuestas, no eran los caminos que me correspondia recorrer. De una forma u otra abri los ojos y lo entendi.
Asi que ya no buscare mas respuestas en personas que no merecen la atencion que les presto dia a dia, porque esas respuestas simplemente ya no me interesan, se que no aportarian nada bueno a mi sistema. Y si, podre ser alguien que no teme a dar el primer paso, pero no soy quien da el segundo o tercero, por lo que sigan callados todo el tiempo que puedan.
A quienes les concierne, enjoy this song, at least this guy got an answer... oh well:
Despues de todo este tiempo, me di cuenta de que lo que sentia al momento de tratar de enfrentar cierta situacion no era solo miedo o nervios... era una sensacion de que estaba mal todo... claro, solo ahora me doy cuenta de que lo que estaba mal era lo que queria lograr, por el hecho de que no habia nada que lograr, los caminos que queria recorrer con el fin de conseguir respuestas, no eran los caminos que me correspondia recorrer. De una forma u otra abri los ojos y lo entendi.
Asi que ya no buscare mas respuestas en personas que no merecen la atencion que les presto dia a dia, porque esas respuestas simplemente ya no me interesan, se que no aportarian nada bueno a mi sistema. Y si, podre ser alguien que no teme a dar el primer paso, pero no soy quien da el segundo o tercero, por lo que sigan callados todo el tiempo que puedan.
A quienes les concierne, enjoy this song, at least this guy got an answer... oh well:
I saw you standing all alone across the crowded room.
I didn't think that I would see you soon and you, you don't move.
You wear your whole life there in circles underneath your eyes.
All I need to know is how to read between the lines,
but you somehow hide it all.
I watched you spill your drink and laugh you're such a drama queen.
You always look so good when you wear black and green,
but you, you're not fooling anyone.
It was crowded but I knew that you were somewhere close.
I don't think I like this little game of cat and mouse,
but you, you don't show.
It was almost 3 o'clock when you walked up to me.
I started to but found that I just could not speak,
but you, you looked so prepared.
You said something and I didn't know what it was.
I watched your lips move but your voice wasn't loud enough.
So I just smiled and nodded that's when you decided to just walk, walk away.
I got this overwhelming feeling like there's something wrong.
Maybe it's the lighting or this same old song, but it's just all in my mind.
I watched you walk across the room and then you disappeared.
I lost you in the crowd beneath the chandelier, and they, they don't care.
You were on the terrace in the rain.
I asked you if you would come back in, but you just sighed.
I could tell that you were crying
by the way the mascara ran down your face in such tragic lines.
You said something and I didn't know what it was.
I think that you sounded like you were a little drunk.
So I looked over your shoulder that's when you said
I told you so and just walked, walked away.
Ran down your face
You said something and I didn't know what it was.
Something about how you tried but you're giving up.
So I leaned in for a kiss that's when you said
I can't do this and just walked, walked away.
(Brandtson)[Hello, Control]Track 06
I don´t know what thing is more painful... the post or the pic you posted for te post...
I think the pic... lol
lov u hun <3 keep in touch!
y verga jajaja... love you guys too