
0 voices

You all know this, nothing better than giving oneself away and surrender. Seeing the magic side of bonding and unifying visions, it can all be so fantastic. And as much as the risk of suffering keeps on hunting those souls that dare to get some magic, some do find the courage necessary to grab it. As I did more than one time.

Some others, like me, became too protective with our own pieces and now hide from whatever could come and steal them from us. Presenting just this surface of who we are, but keeping to ourselves what makes us who we are. Because we know about giving away, surrendering and getting hurt. We know it so well, that we choose to act like fools encouraging others to open up and uncover their foundations just to be free... We encourage others, but aren't strong enough to do it ourselves.

So insecure that even these words I must write as if they come from other people, because it is a bold statement to speak for myself when I say that I just don't want to let anyone in. Because how could I go back to being that free person that finds gold in the trusting, after loosing such important pieces of my?
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Dark Corners

1 voices

I smile as you hear these words
because while you lay on my bed watching my lips move
I admire the way you take these ideas so easily
maybe because you dig them, or just because they make some sense to you

But as I sing with my legs and hair, you lay still and try not to make me vanish
Like a best friend to my fantasies, and I thank you for it
I really do.

Just as these lovely patterns of mine make you a part of my collection...
I appreciate your willingness and grace while agreeing on my commands
And babe, from here on there is nothing but this,
just a girl that enjoys pulling souls into her junkie box.

It is what makes me who I am
Someone that hides her most pure thoughts and feelings behind a fake name,
a smile that spreads like a disease from hell...
Just like the one that got you here, in my nest of sweetness.

Patterns that are my daily anthems
with voices that come from the darkest corners,
corners that you will get to know very soon.
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