Like Candy For My Veins0 voices
Take these words and pretend they're useful
Use this silence and don't ask for anything else
Let me do what I do best, and be ok with that
Just don't ask for something more that this big lie.
All I need is to fake it works
Time will eat me, if I choose a different method
Just trust me on this, and help me if you may
Because the sweetness of all this is only your silent agreement.
No Nesting Allowed0 voices
I apologize if you come for no reason
I'm sorry if for a second, you thought I was the same
Maybe I should have said something
Or maybe you shouldn't have assumed anything
Can't control what you think or do
But can be honest about what I have to offer
and for things to be peaceful
All I have to say is that there isn't much in here
So sure, you can fly near me
I'll be as friendly as I usually am
but there will be nothing in me to give
and you can't blame me for it
The girl you came looking for is the same herself,
but not the one you have in mind.
Trade0 voices
How scary would it be not to have these? I wonder if the idea of keeping them makes any sense, or if maybe whatever meaning I rediscover every once in a while is worth the space to storage.
Every time I share less, but I take more... They don't feel they're giving this away, I just take it in shape of phrases, memories, situations, stories to tell, letters to write... I take all this and hang it very close, as my most precious possessions, because the way I see it, I had to give something away from me in order to obtain that. And if I do that... if I choose to lose pieces of me every time we connect, then I make sure I get as much material as I can.
I guess it's my way to feel I didn't waste any time, efforts, kisses and connections; I can't just set them free and stay empty handed. Some secrets must be shared, kept and these cages must bring us all together in some time frame... To remember it was real, to know that with each piece of me that joins them in their individual hanging spaces, we have something that makes honor to that moment of being one.
I own them proudly, they're mine as I shaped them with all the energies I took from the ones that chose, at some point, they wanted to know who I was.
I don't Know Her0 voicesReprimo, nadie lo hace por mi, yo lo permito y lo lidero. Reprimo sobre mis ideas, sobre mis emociones, reprimo con bases y en constante búsqueda de excusas. Me reprimo y oprimo mi derecho a ser, a realmente creer que me he ganado cierta libertad... libertad de sentir y expresar, libertad de permitirle a mis emociones salir a la superficie en forma de palabras. Esas palabras que quemas en lo mas profundo de mi cuerpo, al verse acumuladas y reprimidas. Porque temo de su poder, de su impacto y del sonido diverso que puede llegar a distintos oídos, otorgando quizás perspectivas que por reales, puedan hacerme perder algo que ya tengo, que amo y no quiero ver cómo se aleja de mi. Reprimo con permisos concisos, y con toda la certeza de quien sufre más con tal hiriente acción, presionando con increíble fuerza, frases que se arman solas y ya ni luchan por liberarse. Reprimo creyéndome esa necesidad plasmada en una angustia real, asegurándome que mi forma de mover las piezas es la adecuada y que simplemente hay un mundo más allá de mi misma que tienen a darle formas opuestas a mis ideas. Esa frivolidad con la que realmente creo, podría sostener todo... pero la misma que me muestra ese plano desconectado de mí, lleno de significados tan propios, tan posibles y perfectamente opuestos al mío. Reprimo y me como el cuento, de que en ciertas ocasiones, esto es exactamente lo que debo hacer para formar alguna cruda ilusión presente de felicidad.
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