My Bad

I didn't know water had that effect if spilled on the ground
I didn't know blood was red
I didn't know finger nails could cause that harm
I'm sorry.. my bad.

Was I supposed to know that your ears were that sensitive?
Was I supposed to assume all this elements?
Was I supposed to nod my head to your perspective?
Well I guess.. my bad.

I forgot that I never lead
I forgot that I hid behind my fake smile to keep you near
I forgot that I was supposed to be happy as well
Then again.. my bad.

There's your truth, far away from what I won't take
Here's my blurry statement, far away from your will.
My bad if I let you use me again.

Lyrics by Alanis M.

are you still mad I kicked you out of bed?
are you still mad I gave you ultimatums?
are you still mad I compared you to all
my forty year old male friends?
are you still mad I shared our problems
with everybody?

are you still mad I had an emotional affair?
are you still mad I tried to mold you into
who I wanted you to be?
are you still mad I didn't trust your intentions?
of course you are
of course you are

are you still mad that I flirted wildly?
are you still mad I had a tendency to mother you?
are you still mad that I had one foot out of the door?
are you still mad that we slept together even after
we had ended it?
of course you are
of course you are

are you still mad I wore the pants most of the time?
are you still mad that I seemed to focus
only on your potential?
are you still mad that I threw in the towel?
are you still mad that I gave up long before you did?
of course you are
of course you are

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