Muchas cosas corren descontroladas dentro de la caja, sin conseguir un sitio apropiado para instalarse y definir, su propósito es darle estabilidad a un futuro incierto, que prefiere asegurarse a perder... Todo podría estar tan tranquilo.
-You up there, and me down here-
Pero ella detesta eso, ocuparse de un tiempo que no existe aún, porque significa limitar acciones que pueden darse hoy, todo por ser precavidos con un momento que no ha llegado aún. Y son acciones que no representan en si hechos, más que ideas de decidirse por un camino sin retorno.
-All I ever needed was you-
Pero las acciones en si no se disfrutan por esa medida estúpida y ridícula, que lo que menos hace es darle seguridad sobre lo que podría mantenerse o no dentro de ese futuro que tanto cuida, y tanto abraza... y probablemente no contenga.
-Is never the same-
La realidad es que nada ni nadie esta alla aún, la tradición de preocuparse no es parte de ella, tan sólo intenta aferrarse a lo que más quiere para si misma, obligando a esos pensamientos a acomodarse y terminar de definir cual es la próxima tarea: vive o no.
-Are you still writing with me?-
Lyrics by Death Cab For A Cutie
I intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible mess
You wanted me to write you letters, but i'd rather lose your address
And forget that we'd ever met and what did or did not occur.
Sitting in the station, it's all a blur
Of dancehall hips, pretentious quips.
A boxers, bob and weave.
And here's the kicker of this whole shebang
You're in debt and completely fooled, that you can look into the mirror and objectively rank your wounds.
Sewing circles are not solely based in trades of cloth...
There's spinsters all around here taking notes, reporting on us.
As information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
-You up there, and me down here-
Pero ella detesta eso, ocuparse de un tiempo que no existe aún, porque significa limitar acciones que pueden darse hoy, todo por ser precavidos con un momento que no ha llegado aún. Y son acciones que no representan en si hechos, más que ideas de decidirse por un camino sin retorno.
-All I ever needed was you-
Pero las acciones en si no se disfrutan por esa medida estúpida y ridícula, que lo que menos hace es darle seguridad sobre lo que podría mantenerse o no dentro de ese futuro que tanto cuida, y tanto abraza... y probablemente no contenga.
-Is never the same-
La realidad es que nada ni nadie esta alla aún, la tradición de preocuparse no es parte de ella, tan sólo intenta aferrarse a lo que más quiere para si misma, obligando a esos pensamientos a acomodarse y terminar de definir cual es la próxima tarea: vive o no.
-Are you still writing with me?-
Lyrics by Death Cab For A Cutie
I intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible mess
You wanted me to write you letters, but i'd rather lose your address
And forget that we'd ever met and what did or did not occur.
Sitting in the station, it's all a blur
Of dancehall hips, pretentious quips.
A boxers, bob and weave.
And here's the kicker of this whole shebang
You're in debt and completely fooled, that you can look into the mirror and objectively rank your wounds.
Sewing circles are not solely based in trades of cloth...
There's spinsters all around here taking notes, reporting on us.
As information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age
As our days are crawling by so slowly
happy halloween bloggera