Back In 20015 voices![]() No se nota, pero por dentro estoy sonriendo. Se da mucho, y se recibe tan poco... sin que realmente me importen razones o justificaciones es así, se da tanto y se recibe tan poco. Por lo que me despido cerrando la puerta que deja en oscuridad esta habitación, y caminando hacia otra distinta. Si no decido terminar de poner el otro pie adelante, voy a seguir dándome golpes contra la pared; porque los "here we go again" quedan en el 2001, muy lejos de aquí. Esa mínima ventana que me permitía verte vas a cerrarla y aún cuando se que podría abrir otra, mi mente me asegura que es hora de darme la vuelta, confiando en que nunca hagas lo que tanto tiempo esperé que hicieras. Ha dejado de llover para mi y no tengo más excusas para no ver lo que tengo frente a mi, sin negar lo que fuiste pero admitiendo que necesito dejar atrás tanta miseria innecesaria. I don't need this anymore. Siempre tendré la oportunidad de recordar ese 2001 como el mejor momento de mi vida hasta ahora, y poner en mi cabeza esas emociones pintadas de colores, selladas en un tiempo que se ha ido; esos sueños tan míos pero que no pasarán a este plano real- So far away -. Confío en que la historia nunca más se repetirá y podré recordarte como algo hermoso que dejó mi vida hace más tiempo del que parece. I came back to 2001 to leave you here and never come back, is here where you really wanna stay. I'll always love you from another time. Lyrics by James Blunt Simona You're getting older Your journey's been Etched on your skin Simona Wish I had known that What seemed so strong Has been and gone I will call you up everyday Saturday night And we both stayed out 'til the morning light And we sang, "Here we go again" And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973 Singing "Here we go again" Simona Wish I was sober So I could see clearly now The rain has gone Simona I guess it's over My memory plays our tune The same old song Back and Then1 voices![]() Muchas cosas corren descontroladas dentro de la caja, sin conseguir un sitio apropiado para instalarse y definir, su propósito es darle estabilidad a un futuro incierto, que prefiere asegurarse a perder... Todo podría estar tan tranquilo.
-You up there, and me down here- Pero ella detesta eso, ocuparse de un tiempo que no existe aún, porque significa limitar acciones que pueden darse hoy, todo por ser precavidos con un momento que no ha llegado aún. Y son acciones que no representan en si hechos, más que ideas de decidirse por un camino sin retorno. -All I ever needed was you- Pero las acciones en si no se disfrutan por esa medida estúpida y ridícula, que lo que menos hace es darle seguridad sobre lo que podría mantenerse o no dentro de ese futuro que tanto cuida, y tanto abraza... y probablemente no contenga. -Is never the same- La realidad es que nada ni nadie esta alla aún, la tradición de preocuparse no es parte de ella, tan sólo intenta aferrarse a lo que más quiere para si misma, obligando a esos pensamientos a acomodarse y terminar de definir cual es la próxima tarea: vive o no. -Are you still writing with me?- Lyrics by Death Cab For A Cutie I intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible mess You wanted me to write you letters, but i'd rather lose your address And forget that we'd ever met and what did or did not occur. Sitting in the station, it's all a blur Of dancehall hips, pretentious quips. A boxers, bob and weave. And here's the kicker of this whole shebang You're in debt and completely fooled, that you can look into the mirror and objectively rank your wounds. Sewing circles are not solely based in trades of cloth... There's spinsters all around here taking notes, reporting on us. As information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age As our days are crawling by so slowly Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age As our days are crawling by so slowly Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age As our days are crawling by so slowly Information travels faster in the modern age, in the modern age As our days are crawling by so slowly Unagi1 voices![]() Existe un medidor de poder en cada persona, el cual es parcialmente controlado por las emociones. Emociones que probablemente (y se que si), fueron pensamientos anteriormente, los cuales podíamos controlar un poco mientras eran eso, imágenes dentro de nuestra cabeza. Pero luego esos pensamientos se convierten en sensaciones, y de allí a sentimiento... esos que parcialmente controlan ese medidor de you see where I'm going? Qué poder es ese? el poder de sentirnos bien o mal. Siempre he pensado y apoyado la siguiente idea: nuestro bienestar está determinado por los cambios que vivimos, antes y luego de instalarse. Es decir, cuando sentimos que nuestras emociones están fuera de control, es porque quizás necesitamos adaptar algún cambio a nuestras vidas y no sabemos como. Luego cuando un proceso de cambio comienza, las emociones también salen a jugar y es hora de ponerlas en control. El punto es, que por más ilógico que suene, es posible sentirnos bien si así lo deseamos. Teóricamente no, pero confío en que si (quién me dice lo contrario?), funciona si deseas que funcione. A la vez como el otro lado de la cuestión, la miseria es necesaria... algunas veces hace falta sentirse mal un rato para lograr adaptarnos a ciertar situaciones, luego podemos volver a estar bien. Call me crazy, but you know I'm right. Do It Alone Lyrics by Motion City Soundtrack Tiny hands, recycled cans, the metal bands I could not stand.. These are the things I think about when I'm alone without you I wonder of your whereabouts and hope like hell you're happy where you are. You used to say that you're just fine,But I still wonder all the time. Hockey games, medical claims, police reports, terrible grades, J, I'm so proud of all the things that you have done.These are the things I think about when I'm alone without you
I wonder of your whereabouts and hope like hell you're happy where you are. I'm alright, I'm alright. I can see through everything you say, and all the lessons I never learned.. You used to say that you're just fine, But I still wonder all the time. Do you still believe in the stories told To you by my friends and I when you were four years old? How it got so cold that words just froze We had to wait 'til summer to find out what was said One of the best times that we had. I know I say that I'm just fine, But I hope you wonder from time to time. I was nervous from the start that our muscles might tear us apart (Are muscles tearing us apart?) From the words that carve our lives to the words that take us by surprise (I was never taken by surprise.) From the sounds that disappear to the changes we begin to fear (I can hear you clearly.) One day I'll fail to breathe and all you'll have are memories (All we are are memories.) Spoiled Mode On2 voices![]() It's what I want and there's nobody that can make me change my mind I want it And I'll get it Even if it kills me. Lyrics by (fuck you) Motion City Soundtrack I’ve got a lotta things to do tonight I’m so sick of making lists Of things I’ll never finish I’ve lived here for the last 12 years Since early 1995 all my shit has been in boxes But if I had a little more time to kill I’d settle every little stupid thing Yeah you’d think that I would But I’m too tired to go to sleep tonight And I’m too weak to follow dreams tonight For the first time in a long time I can say That I want to try to get better and Overcome each moment In my own way I wonder if I’ll ever lose my mind I tried hard for awhile But then I kinda gave up Winter is a killer when the sun goes down "I’m really not as stubborn as I seem," Said the knuckle to the concrete But I’m too tired to go to sleep tonight And I’m too weak to follow dreams tonight For the first time in a long time I can say That I want to try to get better and Overcome each moment In my own way I’m not saying that I’m giving up I’m just trying not to think as much as I used to Cause "never" is a lonely little messed up word Maybe I’ll get it right some day For the first time in a long time I can say That I want to try I feel helpless for the most part But I’m learning to open my eyes And the sad truth of the matter is I’ll never get over it But I’m gonna try To get better and overcome each moment In my own way I so want to get back on track And I’ll do whatever it takes Even if it kills me My way1 voices![]() En un mes fui capaz de sacarte de mi cabeza y decidir no volver atrás, sin saber realmente mis razones... tan sólo necesitaba hacerlo y punto. Porque simplemente me tengo que conformar con que el tiempo nunca está de nuestro lado y probablemente nunca lo estará. Pero me quedo con el poder de mantenerte cerca, poder que desconozco cómo utilizar. Podría ayudarme a dejarte atrás o a que el camino nunca se termine, pero sinceramente es algo que no me siento en capacidad de manejar... realmente quisiera no extrañarte mas? quisiera no sentirme así?... I wish you could finish this post for me... Lyrics by The Cranberries Though once you ruled my mind I thought you'd always be there And I'll always hold on to your face But everything changes in time And the answers are not always fair And I hope you've gone to a better place Cordell, time will tell They say that you passed away And I hope you've gone to a better place Time will tell, time will tell They say that you passed away And I know that you've gone to a better place Cordell, Cordell Cordell, Cordell Your lover and baby will cry But your presence will always remain Is this how it was meant to be You meant something more to me Than what many people will see And to hell with the industry Cordell, time will tell They say that you passed away And I hope you've gone to a better place Time will tell, time will tell We all will depart and decay And we all will return to a better place Cordell, Cordell Cordell, Cordell Nana, nana, nana, nana Nana, nana, nana, nana Oll Korrect2 voices![]() No es más que la suma de un estado mental creado con dicho fin, mas una o varias vías de escape... Estar bien, OK es una fórmula propia... sólo hace falta encontrar las X o las Z para que funcione. -Choose it and you'll get it.- Lyrics by Sugarcult Hello, can I say That there's something wrong with this place I've got time, just to waste If you would be my new escape So then I say can't find a lover Well there's no other way of pulling me under Cause it's gotta be fate if we're under the covers It's all gonna be A-OK, A-OK I don't want to do it alone I'm beggin' you I don't wanna do it, do it, do this all… Alone, we can dance In your bedroom with no romance I got time, just to waste If you would be my new escape So then you say won't be another But you give it away cause you wanna discover That it's gotta be fate if we're under the covers It's all gonna be A-OK, A-OK I don't want to do it alone I'm beggin you I don't wanna do it alone I'll tell you what I don't wanna do it alone I'm beggin you I don't wanna do it, do it do this all… If I Leave This Place2 voices![]() If I leave this place I won't be able to write again some things won't ever come out of my head and some people won't ever know what I was thinking. If I leave this place my job won't be done like I wanted to one girl won't be able to express herself and one boy won't learn how to hold the pencil the right way ... some might miss me, and some might just move on If I leave this place my family would be angry, sad I won't see them again the way I see them now and I'll never say what they really meant for me If I leave this place tomorrow my goals will become just ideas of how my life was supposed to be and some roads I was meant to cross will stay empty If I go I will be betraying myself There're some that will miss me friends, ex-boyfriends, just people 'cause If I leave this place they won't see me again don't know really who or how, but they'll never know that I always loved them I always loved them If I leave this place I'll never see you again and you'll never see me, or hear me but would you know how I really felt? would I know how you ever felt? If I leave this place tomorrow I would be leaving myself behind destroying my body and losing my soul 'cause letting myself go would be turning my face to an empty space that's not ready for me... and me, I'm not ready for it 'Cause if I leave this place tomorrow I'll cry and I'll wish I didn't leave and I'll wish I could come back Lyrics by Cat Power There’s a dream that I see, I pray it can be Look cross the land, shake this land A wish or a command I Dream that I see, don’t kill it, it’s free You’re just a man, you get what you can We all do what we can So we can do just one more thing We can all be free Maybe not in words Maybe not with a look But with your mind Listen to me, don’t walk that street There’s always an end to it Come and be free, you know who I am We’re just living people We won’t have a thing So we’ve got nothing to lose We can all be free Maybe not with words Maybe not with a look But with your mind You’ve got to choose a wish or command At the turn of the tide, is withering thee Remember one thing, the dream you can see Pray to be, shake this land We all do what we can So we can do just one more thing We won’t have a thing So we’ve got nothing to lose We can all be free Maybe not with words Maybe not with a look But with your mind But with your mind Jump0 voicesQue si pensaba esto estaría sucediendo? No vale... simplemente pasa y punto. Que si lo estoy disfrutando?, pues si, y apenas comienza. Que si a donde va? Pues a donde sea quiera ir, tan sólo me dejo llevar... Como saltar a los rieles con los ojos cerrados. No se sabe de dónde vino o qué pretende, es simplemente jugar con algo que conocemos. Una sensación que necesitaba con urgencia y llegó con suma precisión, para silenciar los gritos y el vacío ensordecedor. Tan sólo está y se disfruta. De nuevo, y vuelvo y salto. Temporal, casual, espontáneo, fantaseoso, divertido, divino, conocido, familiar y cómodo. Se siente bien y sin importar el cómo o el cuándo, se espera lo mejor de muchos tiempos. Lyrics by Sugarcult Everybody knows that he is gonna steal the show You better keep it in control or you'll go crazy Back mask, spinning wax, the record had a heart attack It made you do things that drove you crazy You're the one You're the one You're the one, that's making me crazy I'm in love, but it's only temporary You're the one that keeps it coming when I'm running out of loving I can only do it once they'll call me lazy Take back this and that Shut your mouth my wallet's fat I'm selling out to make another million You're the one You're the one You're the one, that's making me crazy I'm in love but it's only temporary You're the one You're the one, that's making me crazy I'm in love but it's only temporary It's makin me crazy I'm in love but it's only temporary Temporary You're the one
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