Deep inside of me
Falling air inside of me
Fade away in me
Stay in me
Come in and touch
touch what's broke
touch what's dry
touch and feel
Inside of me
Where there's nothing but written paper
Breathe that air
Fade away and touch
it's broke
it's dry
deep inside of me
Can you feel it?
it's right there
it won't go away
holed deep inside
But now my mind knows best
it's there
deep inside
and my mind knows best now
It's broke and I don't touch it
It's dry and I don't touch it
It's there and I don't feel it
So come, deep inside
Where the air still blows
and nothing is still fading
Come deep inside and breathe
'Cause now my mind knows best
and I'm not there
Falling air inside of me
Fade away in me
Stay in me
Come in and touch
touch what's broke
touch what's dry
touch and feel
Inside of me
Where there's nothing but written paper
Breathe that air
Fade away and touch
it's broke
it's dry
deep inside of me
Can you feel it?
it's right there
it won't go away
holed deep inside
But now my mind knows best
it's there
deep inside
and my mind knows best now
It's broke and I don't touch it
It's dry and I don't touch it
It's there and I don't feel it
So come, deep inside
Where the air still blows
and nothing is still fading
Come deep inside and breathe
'Cause now my mind knows best
and I'm not there
este es el poema que he escrito que mas me ha gustado hasta ahora